Saturday, April 28, 2012

Learning about stocks and trading for my retirement portfolio

Learning more about stocks and trading, adding value to my retirement portfolio is what I wanted to make a quick post about today.

I want most of my retirement journey to be in my home business and my writing business but, recognize that's it's definitely not smart ot put all my eggs in one basket.

Even if that basket includes several or many sites to use to get there. Part of my journey to retirement is learning more about how to invest in stocks and really investing in general. I have only limited experience with stocks and have been searching for ways to help me get it! I'll talk more about my account with Ameritrade, I like them too and still don't get it all even after years of investing.
  Do you get it? If you need some help, go to the experts is what I always try to do. I'm not interested in learning it all but, need enough information on investing to make smart decisions with my income and make it grow better than it is in a simple savings account.

I want a guide to help me learn a fast and easy way to play in the stock market on items that have a high probability of success and have been doing some research. I found a review  on Trademiner by Dr Scott Brown, a finance PHD that explains what's inside and it seems to be his favorite tool and so am checking into Trademiner, Stocks, Futures and Forex.

Do you have any experience with it? I'd love to know what you think and what plans you have today to make your way closer to your retirement.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts and comments!

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