Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Taking my retirement in my own hands

Our economy has been in the slumps for years now and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. Our government doesn't seem to me to be doing anything to bring jobs to our country and yesterday, the Secret Service got nabbed for having a killer party at the taxpayer's expense of almost One Million !! Dollars in Las Vegas at a supposed 'conference'.

This is just another one of the newest reasons that none of us can count on the government to do anything to help any of us and if we want to retire in any sort of decent lifestyle, it's going to be up to each one of us to do our own thing.

One of the ways that I plan to get to retirement is to keep working for myself. Having just recently closed our restaurant, I'll have much more time on my hands for writing (Yay!) and to work my other business - a home based business that allows me to work when I want, with who I want and where I want. I wrote this article: Making Money in a Slow Economy to explain how others can start their own home based business too and hope you'll find some interesting information in it.

Let me know what you think! I'm excited to begin this new journey of retirement.

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